Oct 31, 2011

life lessons

here i have made of a collection of life lessons that i have acquired in my 23 years of life, from personal experiences of learning things the hard way & from a plethora of self-help books i have read over the years  from 'the road less traveled', to 'the secret', to the Bible and the big book of AA. to quotes from everyone to cs lewis, to oprah, to audrey hepburn, and mother theresa. and from the influencial, wise people in my life.
  • the third law of motion is what life is all about, what you put out into the world will come back to you. good or bad, you reap what you sow.
  • to love is to be courageous, but it is what makes life worth living. it is the "why" of life.
  • your thoughts are powerful. they create your reality.
  • do it now. dont procrastinate. youll feel better when its done.
  • less is more...go for quality not quantity. (de-clutter. be organized. simplicity is good.)
  • dont compare yourself to others. always be your authentic self.
  • a good attitude is everything and perspective is key. be enthusiastic about everything you do
  • give thanks. be grateful. count your blessings and you will find more to count.
  • unfortunately, trust is something to be earned. not automatically given.
  • always always always listen to your instincts. its where your wisdom resides.
  • drink plenty of water, get enough sleep, take your vitamins, be active and eat your vegetables. exercise is so important; for your mental and physical health
  • be present. live in the moment. it is the only place to find peace and God
  • laughter is the best medicine
  • honesty is always the best policy. no matter how difficult it may be.
  • life will continue to present you with the same test until you pass it
  • be inquisitive, curious and open minded. never stop learning. (you can never have enough books)
  • what is meant to be will find a way. let your life flow with the current
  • how you look is not who you are
  • resentment is a useless pursuit. learn the lesson and let it go, let God handle it. be forgiving. (forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could of been any different.)
  • despite any poor circumstances, things could always be worsem. be a victor, not a victim. there is nothing to be gained from self-pity.
  • stay in touch with nature, it is good for the soul.
  • happiness is a choice and it comes from within.
  • this too shall pass. nothing is permanent. not even this life.
  • respect yourself and others will respect you. you have to love yourself to love others. people will treat you the way you allow them to treat you.
  • spontaneity is the essence of romance
  • the golden rule. always treat others the way you want to be treated. believe in karma
  • always wear a smile. (fake it till you make it.)
  • dont judge a book by its cover. just dont judge in general.
  • sometimes listening to the right song can change your entire mood
  • your family is forever. show them appreciation and love.
  • adversity and pain are inevitable. but your hardships make you stronger and wiser.
  • it is the little things that matter. the best things in life really are free.
  • listen, dont just hear. listen intently. communicate well.
  • take constructive criticism. be the bigger person.
  • say a prayer, breathe. dont ever give up faith. patience is a virtue.
  • life is too short to be anything but happy. escape from materialism...find happiness in a gratitude list, positive thoughts, being kind to others, love, the small pleasures, nature and your health.
  • allow God to be your source of love, strength and hope.
i hope by taking the time to reflect on these "rules-to-live-by" i will find it easier to implement them into my daily life, as i strive towards being the very best version of myself i can be. :)

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