Nov 3, 2011

oh the places we will go...greece

i once read a quote that said "travel is in the only thing you buy that makes you richer" it would be a dream come to be able to travel the world, with brocky & my camera. one of the places on my travel wish list is GREECE. i was watching the world news last night, & apparently...Greece, is a basket case. The country, over the last decade, has gone on a debt binge & is in a serious economic crisis now. The debt is so serious that it is threatening the other European countries economy & the future of the euro. The efforts to raise taxes & cut spending are not working to save the economy and apparently the goverments finacial decisions are just pissing people off because there have been several protests by the greek people; burning things in the streets and disregarding authorities. maybe i should go ahead and check this off my bucket list, in attempt to help their economy via tourism and before the greek protesters destroy anymore of this gorgeous country :)

on another, and totally irrelevant note... i am loving x factor this season. almost all of the singers are the captivating-send chills up your body-make you wanna sing along type. but one of my favorites is drew ryniewicz. this girl is only 14 years old and her talent is out of this world! here is a clip of her singing...(baby by justin beiber)

my other favorite is rachel crow, watching this young girl sing is so moving, that it is emotional.  see for yourself! (if i were a boy by beyonce)

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