Dec 27, 2011

happy birthday baby jesus

Christmas has come and gone, and its bittersweet sadness/alleviation. This Christmas was top-notch for me...not only did I have extended family come to stay at my house but I got to spend it with my love and his family. It seems as though we spent the whole weekend stuffing our faces with delectable meals and scrumptious snacks, playing dutch blitz (an intensely fast paced card game) at my kitchen table, or sitting the by the fire telling stories and laughing. This Christmas was one of the best Christmas's I have had since the days when Santa used to come down the chimney. But now, its time to get back on track with my work-out plan, get mentally prepared to go back to school in a week or so and focus on ringing in the New Year!  Oh and how could I forget...I am blogging from my brand new Mac Book Pro (thanks mom and dad) and I absolutely love it! I got it for school purposes, in order to take online classes, but...i have a feeling this snazzy new laptop may consequently aid me in my blogging and online shopping addiction, just a tad ;) I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas, and remembered the real reason for the season among all the stress and presents. 

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