Dec 1, 2011


I am so old...that I am older than the internet! Sounds pretty old in todays times considering how our lives revolve around staring at screens of different sorts. But not too long ago, there was a simpler life that didn't have internet and cell phones. I have decided I have a love/hate relationship with todays technology. The biggest problem for our next generation is there will be no screen names left available to them, and they will be taking typing class before they learn how to write. Between email, facebook, twitter, pinterest, blogs, tumblr, online shopping, online bill paying, skype, blackberrys, iphones, itunes, ipod, ipads, etc it seems that there isn't much we do these days that doesn't involve staring a computerized screen. (Which, i have learned the hard way can lead to severe headaches and vision malfunctions) Yes, having a cell phone is more convenient than the old "land lines" but people dont really use their cell phones to TALK anymore...i.e TEXT MESSAGING. The downfall of all personal communication. Yes, having facebook and twitter is great way to stay in touch with your friends and family but it is so impersonal and ultimately leads to superficial friendships and relationships. (not to mention the load of drama those social networking websites have the ability to create) Yes, having a cell phone that has web access or an ipad/laptop is convenient but it ultimately detaches you from being "present" where-ever you are! I will sit in the same house with my family and instead of being in the same room and conversing; we will disperse to different rooms and proceed to text one another in order to communicate. I have a funny instinctual feeling that technology, as much as we love it, may be a snake in the grass. Newspapers used to be everywhere, now people have the news available at their fingertips online. People used to purchase cds, now cds are destined to become extinct along with the 8 tracks and cassette tapes because we download our music from the internet.  Mail, such as personal cards and letters, seem to be something of the past as well - why pay for a stamp and go to the trouble of walking ALL THE WAY to your mailbox when you can send someone an email and they receive within seconds? In my opinion that is a perfect example of how technology is making us lazy (and in return why obesity is rising exponentially in America.) Most of society looks at these changes as achievements and advancements but I think we are can be blind and naive to the fact that todays modern technology has had and will continue to have a negative effect on society and with how people interact with one another. Apple stocks (the company) may be doing great but because of that newspaper editors, mail delivers, people who work at the post office, movie producers, music store owners, etc aren't doing so great; they are out of a job. With todays technology it has enabled us all to become lazy and to become detached from the real world - by thinking that we are "more connected" we are actually incredibly disconnected from the primitive methods of fun and from having personal relationships with others. To be quite frank, I believe technology is ultimately going to make us lazy, isolated and lonely, superficial, fat, unhappy and impatient. With that said, i think its time I get off the computer and go outside to take my dog for a walk! :) 

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