Dec 29, 2011

thanks to my new macbook...i have become an anti-social hermit and broke. I can't seem to pull myself away from the computer long enough to even return phone calls/text messages and i can't stop my entering in my card number (to my rapidly declining bank account) from compulsively shopping online. hopefully this weekend will give my poor eyes a break from staring at this screen and my poor bank account a break from unnecessary spending - because i am going to MONroe to spend the weekend with my boy and ring in the new year with him and friends. I'm sure we will be drinking lots of energy drinks and ill be wearing something extra sparkly and taking way too many pictures and i am just tickled to death to be spending my first new years of many to come with brock! i would consider myself to be a very intuitive person, and my instincts always prove to be right (despite the fact that i rarely listen to my own advice and reasonings) and i just have a feeling...that this year is gonna be a good, good year. (yes, i was mocking the black eyed peas song circa 2008) I've heard it said that your thoughts become your reality (thought manifestation or something like that. i don't know, i read about it in 'the secret') so I'm thinking that 2012 is going to be my best year yet! I'm not sure really sure where I'm going with be honest, I'm just blogging to keep from packing for the weekend because i absolutely dread packing and it gives me utter unnecessary anxiety. but procrastinating makes it even worse so i better get started...HAVE A GREAT NEW YEARS! 

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