Jan 2, 2012

2012 – (Best Year Yet) Resolutions and Goals

-Make the honor roll with college classes; all semesters

-Become more involved in church, volunteer my time & resources

-Less text time, more face time

-Get up early!

-Run a charity race or 2 or 3. Become a more avid runner

-Don’t take anyone or anything for granted

-Build up my savings account and become less of an impulsive buyer.

-Take a dance/art/photography class

-Wear sunscreen!

-Build a stronger relationship with God, spend time with Him daily.

-Be more present and less involved with technology

-Procrastinate less, organize more.

-Learn how to cook.

-Spend less time in the past. Let it go.Move forward. Don’t hold grudges.

-Be enthusiastic, optimistic and compassionate!

-Move into a lovely home with the man of my dreams J

-Eat nutritiously and exercise regularly. Take care of my body.

-Become a better partner and sister and daughter

-Have more patience.


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