Feb 22, 2012

Today is Ash Wednesday, and the beginning of the season of Lent; which is essentially a time for us Christians to repent, to be aware of our sinfulness, and to reflect and to remember what Jesus sacrificed for US, while we were sinners. Most/some Christians choose to participate in Lent, in which we typically give up something, or SACRIFICE something, in honor of what Jesus sacrificed for us! I think that it is absolutely perfect timing, for me to re-commitment to my relationship with Jesus Christ. I have slowly been slipping away from the church and from my dusty bible and from my daily prayers...and being that it is Ash Wednesday - its high-time and perfect timing for me to get closer to God. My spiritual life has always been up and down, on again and off again, extremely close than very distant, very intense and then very dull - but the one constant is that when I am not praying, or going to Church or reading some sort of religious or spiritual literature - I can most definitely notice changes  in my day to day life, as a direct result from my lack prayer and faith. I become inpatient, rude, bossy, discontent, anxious, fearful, nervous and my personal relationships along with my sobriety suffer when I don't have God in my life. For lent, I have decided to give up alcohol (duh!), soda and fast food. They may all seem meaningless, and they are in the large scheme of things considering Jesus sacrificed his life for me and I'm saying I will sacrifice an occasional quarter pounder with cheese from McDonalds for him; but Lent is more so about our relationship with God as opposed to what we were sacrifice.  Jesus was tempted during his 40 days of fasting in the desert so I'm sure I will have temptations during this 46 day period, but I think I can handle it! I really am hoping to use this time period, before Easter, to grow in my relationship with God, to become more like the woman He intends for me to be, to strengthen my character and soften my heart and maybe i'll even loose a pound or two by not drinking soda or eating fast food?! ;)  HAPPY ASH WEDNESDAY! 

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