Feb 27, 2012

working on "becoming more than a good Bible study girl"

I just finished reading "Becoming More than a Good Bible Study Girl" by Lysa TerKeurst and I just thank God I stumbled upon this book! To me, it's one of those books that really resonates with you; allowing you to gain knowledge and change perspectives, it makes you re-evaluate and re-prioritize your life and it such a positive, uplifting book that I will probably be recommending this book for a while to come. When I read books that rock my world, like this one, I tend to take notes/highlight things, which is exactly what I did with this gem of a book, I took notes and I want to share some of the most influential insights and/or profound statements that I was so fortunate to find in this book...

"I must continue to pursue truth that keeps me grounded and God's love that keeps me filled. Then my desperate hollowness is replaced by a desire for holiness."

"If Satan can use our everyday experiences, both big and small, to cripple our true identity, then he renders God's people totally ineffective for the kingdom of Christ."

"God never intended for us to rely on others for our sense of well-being. Only He is equipped to provide that."

"The longer I went without meeting with God, the more desperate, cloudy, and starved my soul become. Running on empty eventually causes things to break down and stall out..."

"The world's offering of joy, hope and love is fleeting, temporary and dangerously unstable"

"The peace that flows despite circumstances can only be found through Jesus being with us"

"Jesus just wants a willing soul to come to Him - to verbalize her desire to seek Him and acknowledge her need for Him"

"The more we make a habit of applying God's Word to our lives, the more it becomes part of our nature, our natural way of acting and reacting".

"The only time-tested, foolproof instruction for how to get our basic soul needs met is found in the Bible. We must not only read and study the Bible but also develop the habit of living out its message in our everyday lives".

"Stop looking at others for validation and learn to truly depend on God".

"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you" - James 4:8

"When humans forsake their Maker and love other things more, they become like the things they love - small, insignificant, weightless, inconsequential and God diminishing" - John Piper

"May the fixed routine of our life be praise, thanksgiving, and overflowing evidence of the presence of Jesus." 

"Instead of letting my thoughts get swept up in the troubles and inconveniences of the here and now, I can choose to focus on how temporary those troubles and inconveniences are in light of eternity"

"As soon as we praise God, Satan flees"

Pretty awesome, stuff huh? I have a LONG way to go to becoming MORE than a good Bible study girl, I dont even know if Im qualified to be a good Bible study girl yet... But that is what is our lives are all about - growth and progress towards Jesus and with Jesus! Get this book and thank me later :) 

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